A story about complexity and a man named Martin

Craig Brown
3 min readJul 4, 2023


Once upon a time in a quaint village nestled in the Welsh countryside, there lived a cranky but highly intelligent man named Martin. He was known far and wide for his eccentricity and his love for preaching about the beauty and importance of complexity.

Martin was an aging gentleman with a wild shock of white hair, thick glasses perched on his nose, and a perpetually furrowed brow. He spent most of his days in his cozy cottage, surrounded by dusty books and stacks of papers filled with his musings on the subject of complexity.

Every morning, Martin would march into the village square, his voice booming as he shared his ideas with anyone who cared to listen. The villagers found him rather odd and often rolled their eyes at his long-winded speeches, but they couldn’t deny that Martin had a unique perspective on life.

Martin believed that complexity was the essence of existence. He argued that the world was a tapestry of intricate connections, where every action had a ripple effect that resonated throughout the universe. He spoke of the delicate balance that held nature together and the interdependence of all living beings. To him, simplicity was a disservice to the richness and depth of life.

Despite his grumpy demeanor, Martin’s passion was infectious. Some villagers found themselves captivated by his theories, secretly drawn to the allure of embracing complexity in their own lives. They began attending his daily lectures, engaging in lively debates, and eagerly seeking his wisdom.

Over time, Martin’s teachings started to influence the village. The once homogeneous community began to embrace diversity and different perspectives. People started noticing the intricate connections between their actions and the world around them. They became more compassionate and empathetic, understanding the profound impact they had on each other and the environment.

But not everyone was pleased with Martin’s influence. The village council, a group of conservative individuals, grew increasingly wary of his ideas. They saw him as a disruptive force, unsettling the established order of things. They decided to put an end to Martin’s preaching once and for all.
One fateful evening, as Martin was delivering a particularly passionate sermon in the village square, the council confronted him. They accused him of sowing discontent and disturbing the peace. Martin, undeterred, stood his ground, defending his belief in complexity and its transformative power.

The confrontation escalated, and the council threatened to exile Martin from the village. But before they could carry out their plan, the villagers who had been touched by Martin’s teachings intervened. They pleaded with the council to reconsider, citing the positive changes they had witnessed within themselves and the community.

Moved by the villagers’ testimonies and the unity they displayed, the council relented. They agreed to allow Martin to continue preaching, but with one condition: he had to find a way to express his ideas more succinctly, without overwhelming others with the sheer complexity of his language.

Martin, though initially resistant to this compromise, eventually realized that simplicity in communication could be just as powerful as complexity. He began to distill his theories into accessible stories, metaphors, and practical advice that resonated with people from all walks of life. His words became a bridge between the intricate world of complexity and the everyday experiences of the villagers.

In time, Martin’s teachings spread beyond the borders of the village. People from far and wide traveled to listen to his insightful sermons. He became a renowned figure, celebrated for his ability to bring clarity to complex ideas.

And as the world embraced the profound interconnectedness of all things, Martin’s legacy endured, reminding everyone of the beauty and importance of embracing the complexity of life.



Craig Brown

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